| As part of its ongoing effort to arm Big “I" members and Swiss Re Corporate Solutions agency errors & omissions policyholders with tools to improve their practices, the Big “I" Professional Liability risk management team has released a new resource: sample coverage declination forms that Big “I" members may customize and use with their clients. Sample declination forms are available on the E&O Guardian website for the following coverages: - Commercial umbrella
- Contractor professional liability
- Cyber
- Earthquake
- Environmental
- Employment practices liability insurance
- Flood
- Home business
- Personal umbrella
- Professional liability
- Property
- Uninsured motorist/underinsured motorist
- Workers compensation
Coverage declination forms signed by clients are crucial tools when defending a “failure to offer" claim. Without a signed declination or proof your agency requested one, your E&O adjuster will have a tougher time defending your agency should a failure to offer coverage claim arise. If the insured does not return the form or wish to sign it, proof that you sent the form in your agency management system or file notes provides the adjuster with a stronger defense against failure-to-offer negligence allegations. Similarly, your agency procedure manual should detail this critical step so that all producers and service reps take advantage of these forms. Log in with your Big “I" member credentials to access the declination forms. Additional coverage areas will be added as they are developed. Is there a form you would like to see added? Submit your suggestions to Big “I" Professional Liability staff. Learn more about the Big “I" Professional Liability program by connecting with your state association's dedicated Big “I" Professional Liability program manager. For additional information and agency risk management resources, visit E&O Guardian.
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