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Get involved with InVEST

/Resources/StaffDevelopment/Diversity/SiteAssets/Pages/Resources/InVEST/InVest.gif  In 2015, millennials will dominate the workforce. InVEST liaisons don’t wait until the office is empty to find new talent-- they train eligible recruits now.
InVEST connects teachers and insurance professionals in an effort to develop a unique insurance and business curriculum for students. The commitment level of a liaison is determined by the liaison and the teacher. A liaison may speak once a semester to students in the classroom, or be as involved as offering job shadow days and internships. InVEST liaisons not only help educate students about insurance, they have an opportunity to gain highly qualified employees in the process.
​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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