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Mar 29
Invest Launches 'Career Day Toolkit’ for Classroom Speakers
Available on the Invest website, the toolkit contains easy-to-use materials for any professional to contact a high school, community college or college and create a presentation about career opportunities. The toolkit covers many important topics and resources, including why it is important to connect with the industry's future workforce, how to connect with a local classroom, a flyer for the school to promote the speaker, presentations for speakers, career information and much more. The toolkit is available for any insurance professional. 

“When we send insurance professionals into classrooms to speak at a career day, young people learn more about our industry and the fantastic opportunities and people that work in risk management and insurance," says Deborah Pickford, executive director of Invest. “We make it easy for any professional to walk into the classroom and speak about the variety of careers we have—from drone pilots and data analysts to entrepreneurs, lobbyists and social media professionals—as well as the great pay and excellent benefits. We believe connecting with young people in the community is a win-win for everyone." 
The Invest “Career Day Toolkit" was launched in conjunction with Insurance Careers Month this February. Insurance Careers Month is a grassroots initiative to inspire young people to choose insurance as a career. According to a 2022 Deloitte Center for Financial Services Insights report,  insurers are poised to accelerate business growth over the next year, and the report notes that attracting the right talent could be the industry's biggest challenge this year and beyond. Most insurer survey respondents said they expect to increase hiring in 2022. To meet this employment challenge gap, industry professionals can highlight what makes the industry great and collaborate to retain emerging leaders in insurance. 


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