| Exciting news! Jewelers Mutual has announced a commission increase for new business from 11/01-12/31/2024.
Big “I" Alliance Blue registered members will earn a 1-point increase in commission on Jewelers Mutual stand-alone fine articles New Business policies bound and effective 11/01/2024 - 12/31/2024.
Join the upcoming Jewelers Mutual training on Oct. 29 at 1pm ET to learn how their platform can help you quote and bind coverage for your customers, and fast!
Be sure your Big “I" member agency has access to the Jewelers Mutal platform through Alliance Blue in advance of the training. Set up takes just a few minutes. Log into www.bigimemberalliance.com and select Jewelry Insurance from the Personal Lines products for the 3-step instruction to begin quoting.
Questions? Contact the Big “I" Alliance Blue team at allianceblue@iiaba.net.
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