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E&O Security in the 24/7 Agency (Part 5 of 8)

Author: Virginia Bates

As the internet continues to play a bigger role in agency and company marketing and service, there is an increasing expectation by insureds of 24/7 service, particularly in the area of claims. Expect this to intensify as email and web site interaction become more and more frequent. In this article, Virginia Bates explores the E&O exposures created by new and old technology and what you can do about them.




When the underwriting risk changes (a young, newly licensed driver or a sports car is added), the carrier may non-renew, uprate, or cancel before the agency has an opportunity to find a less upsetting course of action.

Limits may be reduced by the client as a premium-saving maneuver without proper education.

Changes (a new address, underlying limits reductions etc.) are made that may have repercussions on other parts of the account that may be with this or another carrier.

The agent is “kept in the loop” by download only and critical coverage changes are overlooked by the agency.

A client who is dissatisfied or who feels he has been treated unacceptably may begin to be disaffected, less loyal to the agency, and less forgiving.


Think carefully through the income and expense repercussions of using any service center; plan and cost out the procedures necessary to remain aware and ready to act upon any relevant coverage changes the insured makes.

Become friendly with Service Center management and (if possible) Service Center staff that will handle your clients so that they know that you want a “heads up” on any less-than-happy client.

Check your client list for individuals better handled by your agency staff and exempt those clients from the service center.

If download is the “notifier” to the agency of policy changes, create a review procedure to highlight those changes so appropriate action can be taken.

If your agency management system allows it, create an automatic open activity or diary on downloaded revisions that do not emanate from an agency-order. This will call them to the CSR/Account Managers’ attention so that other relevant changes or recommendations on the other policies in the account can be made.

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Copyright 2000 by Virginia M. Bates. Used with permission.

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Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
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