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Plug into the Power for the Independent Agent

Two for Tuesday

Tuesday, May 23

Plug into the Power of Big "I" Alliance

TFT Archives
​Join Jewelers Mutual for Product Training Today or Thursday
It's not too late to join Jewelers Mutual for a product training. One session remains open for registration today at 2:30 ET with two sessions open Thursday. You will walk away with a better understanding of the products that are available through Jewelers Mutual and how to make the most of your agency's access to Jewelers Mutual products. Learn More


​New Risk Management Webinar: 30 Years in 30 Minutes
 All Big “I" members are invited to attend a complimentary new webinar, “30 Years in 30 Minutes," a conversation between outgoing risk manager Lund and the Swiss Re staffer stepping into this role, Annette Ardler. You won't want to miss this fast-paced and fun review of Lund's years in the industry. Learn More
Covering Couture
Earlier this month the glitterati turned up wearing couture from around the world to the Met Gala, the annual fundraising benefit for the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Did the colorful news coverage of this event remind you of any of your most fashionable and best dressed clients? If so, Big “I" Markets has a coverage option you may wish to look at: Wearable Collections from AIG. Learn More
​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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