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Oct 13
New Agency-Company Appointment Contracts Guide

The Big “I" Office of General Counsel (OGC) has published a general guide to agency-company appointment contracts that is available at no cost to Big “I" members. The guide covers a wide range of the most important provisions commonly found in appointment contracts and provides key considerations and sample language developed by the OGC over many years. A few of the most notable provisions addressed in the guide include ownership of expirations, data security and post-termination rights.

The OGC encourages agents and brokers, state associations and carriers to use the guide as a resource when reviewing, negotiating and updating these agreements. The OGC will also continue to provide complimentary reviews of specific agency-company agreements based on requests from member agencies and state associations, and in connection with requests for assistance by carriers. 

As a reminder, the guide and these contract reviews are provided for general informational purposes and are not a substitute for independent evaluation and specific legal, business or other expert advice on these important agreements.

Log in with your Big “I" credentials to access a complimentary copy of the new guide and the company-specific reviews that are currently available on the Big “I" Legal Advocacy webpage.

If you have any further questions about this or related topics, please contact Scott Kneeland or Eric Lipton.


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