| Companies may look to private equity firms for various reasons throughout their lifetime. Private Equity firms may be needed as a lender to help the company with a major equipment expansion, or the company may utilize the private equity firm as part of the owner's exit strategy from the business. The financial impact of this can significantly affect the ability of the company to obtain surety support for future projects. Depending on the structuring of that acquisition, it may result in the company having a difficult time obtaining surety support. Thankfully, Big “I" Markets partner Goldleaf is experienced in handling bonding for companies acquired by private equity firms, and their staff understands what surety companies want to see, how to mitigate risk, and how to help clients meet the bond requirements. Check out a recent success story below on how Goldleaf was able to assist a private equity ownership company in obtaining bonding. Goldleaf Surety Services' president, Jack Anderson, was contacted by an insurance agency that was struggling to get a $10 MM private equity ownership bond placed. After having another national broker work on this bond for five months, they came to Goldleaf to see if they would be able to assist. After careful review of the underwriting file and some creative structuring, Jack was able to get this bond approved in one week. If your agency is looking for this type of backroom bonding support, log in to www.bigimarkets.com or email us at bigimarkets@iiaba.net and a member of our team will contact you to discuss how we can help you with your surety bond needs.