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Attract More Diverse Clients to Your Distribution Force

Free marketing resources available to Big “I” members and companies.

The world is changing and the most recent census data proves every agency should understand others’ cultures, values, language and priorities.  The Big “I” Diversity Task Force, comprised of agent and company representative, is charged with fostering a profitable independent agency force that reflects, represents and capitalizes on the opportunities of the diverse U.S. population. Working with the best-selling diversity marketing expert, Kelly McDonald, the Diversity Task Force has created free resources to help your distribution force market to diverse consumers.
The resources include webcasts, research, worksheets and marketing guides to help agencies create an effective cross-cultural, cross-generational marketing plan.  The first segment, an introduction to diversity includes case studies, a step-by-step guide to creating an inclusive marketing plan and guidance on how to analyze local demographic research and census data.
The FREE webinarseries includes resources on the following market segments:
​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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