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May 2015 Meeting Materials


ACT Meeting Attendee List -  

         May2015 AUGIE-ACT Meeting Registration - Final - CONFIDENTIAL.pdfMay2015 AUGIE-ACT Meeting Registration - Final - CONFIDENTIAL.pdf

         *NOTE - NOT to be used for marketing or soliciation purposes - Intended to help you plan your networking only.


Strategic Future Issues (SFI) Breakout Session Burrus '25 Game-Changing Trends' document:

         2013 Key Trends - Burrus 25 Hot Topics.pdf2013 Key Trends - Burrus 25 Hot Topics.pdf

  •   Indivudal breakout tables will be assigned to cover each of the seven (7) categories from the SFI 2013 Key Trends Report :
    • Social Culture, Connected Society, Mobile & Mobility, Demographic/Diversity Transformation, Big Data & Actionable BI, Changing nature of Insurance Risk, and Information Security Regulation.
  •   Each table will use a recent Burrus '25 Game-Changing trends' document and discuss which of the 25 are applicable to their chosen topic.
  •   Prior to the meeting, please think about which single topic of the seven tables you'd want to participate.  


 Security Issues Work Group 'Pocket Guide' - 

          ACT Security Issues - Pocket Guide - 1PAGE - 2015May06.pdfACT Security Issues - Pocket Guide - 1PAGE - 2015May06.pdf

  •  Please review - Is the format usable for agents?  Does it provide the content/foundation agents need?

                     NOTE that there will be a more detailed supporting document.

  •   We ask for feedback in a short segment at the Tuesday afternoon meeting on May 19. 
  •   You may also email comments to   * or *
  •   You can print the guide, make notes/comments using a pen and hand it to Ron, Steve Aronson, or Jim Armitage at the meeting.








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Alexandria VA 22314
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fax: 703.683.7556

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