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Agency-Customer Texting Agreement

ACT/Big 'I' Downloadable Agreement help Agencies prevent E&O issues with Texting

In recent years, text messaging has moved quickly into the professional setting, providing independent agents with a quick and simple way to communicate with clients. The expansion of text messages to and from independent agents brings challenges along with opportunities. 

The challenges include developing proper workflows and policies for text messaging, properly preserving text messages in the agency’s management system, potential E&O exposures related to text messaging, and meeting the legal requirements for text messaging. 

This downloadable and brandable memorandum focuses on just one of these challenges – i.e., how to meet the legal requirements for text messaging. 

** Access to this ACT/Big 'I' resource requires login with your Big 'I' ID (your agency email address) and Password

Access this document via the Big 'I' Legal Advocacy's "FAQ & Memoranda" site HERE.  ** Scroll down to "Texting with Clients..." toward the bottom of the web page. 

Updated Sep, 2021

​127 South Peyton Street
Alexandria VA 22314
​phone: 800.221.7917
fax: 703.683.7556

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