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Handling Information Overload: Three Steps to Success

Author: JoAnna Brandi

My paper piles are particularly large because like most writers, I save every little thing just knowing that it will be useful. After all these years I can tell you with certainty that I will use about one third of everything I save. The thing is, I have no idea until months after collecting it all which one third will be useful! This makes for quite a bit of clutter. And then there's my email...Yikes!

Finally! I'm almost done sorting through the stacks of papers, books, notes and professional magazines that I hurriedly tucked away and covered with plastic before the hurricanes hit in September. I can actually see my desktop!

My paper piles are particularly large because like most writers, I save every little thing just knowing that it will be useful. After all these years I can tell you with certainty that I will use about one third of everything I save. The thing is, I have no idea until months after collecting it all which one third will be useful! This makes for quite a bit of clutter. And then there's my email...Yikes!

What about you? Is your email box crammed with industry newsletters, inspirational ezines, thank you's from customers and colleagues, sweet messages from friends and quotes that inspire you? Is your Internet 'favorites' file overloaded with resources that pep you up, inform you and refresh you when you need a breather from the everyday grind?

How fabulous it is to be able to connect with those we care about so easily, and to have access to information on any and everything in just a few quick keystrokes. And how overwhelming at times, yes? In fact, 'e-info overload' can be as challenging as having physical clutter around the office that must be dealt with or cleared out.

At the Coach, our interests cover a wide swathe, so our hard drives are chock full of information about everything from customer service stats to neuroscience to the power of optimism. It's all fascinating and helpful stuff that informs us, expands our perspectives, contributes to our success and gives us a real boost...when we apply it.

How much of the Customer Care Tip do you apply, consciously and consistently, in your relationships with customers, co-workers and yourself? How much of other educational and inspirational communications and resources do you repeatedly use to achieve ongoing success?

Tip subscribers tell us they have many "AHA!" moments when they read our biweekly advice. But human nature being what it is (and the endless barrage of e-info being what it is), we're aware that only a select few readers consistently apply what they learn from us - and write us to share the rewards they've gained (better relationships with co-workers, more success handling angry customers, higher profits...).

Here are three steps for busting through e-info overload and into success:

  1. Select just one piece of great advice from your many emails, web sites and resources - just one - and commit to following that advice for the next four weeks. It could be something you read here in the Tip, or advice from another guru or maven out there who's also unlocked and decoded success 'secrets.'

  2. Stick with your commitment. In other words, develop a practice of doing it - no excuses acceptable. You're going to get great at this one thing. On days when you fall off the wagon, start over and get right back on.

  3. Succeed! And be sure to track your successes daily by taking a brief moment at the end of every day to jot down your positive experiences with this process. This is very important, because the most effective ongoing inspiration you can give yourself is your own success! And small successes count, too. If you encounter stumbling blocks, jot them down as well, and quickly brainstorm for ways to get through them.

Got it? You're going to select the one piece of wisdom that's exactly right for you right now, stick with it, and track your success. Of course, e-info is going to keep "comin' atcha." How to handle it? Be on the lookout for anything you receive that supports you in sticking to your one commitment. Everything else can either be deleted, passed on to someone who can benefit from the advice or put aside for another day.

We'll revisit this topic soon, and share experiences from people who have stayed the course! This means you're welcome to write and tell us how you're doing with 'Select, Stick, Success!' Send your emails to me, or to our editor, Tracey, Put 'Triple S' in the subject line.

You Can Do It!


JoAnna Brandi is the author of books such as "Winning at Customer Retention - 101 Ways to Keep 'em Happy, Keep 'em Loyal, and Keep 'em Coming Back" and "Building Customer Loyalty - 21 Essential Elements in ACTION."

A Speaker and consultant, she is publisher of the bi-weekly Customer Care Tips Bulletin. To receive her free bi-weekly tips bulletin, sign up at You can also reach JoAnna at 561-279-0027 or e-mail

Copyright 2004 by JoAnna Brandi. Used with permission.

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